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New Job, New City

In: GDS ChallengeShowing my Work

I hate not keeping to my blog schedule, so I decided to post a quick update.

New Assignment

First the big news, I got a new job!!! I’m not an instructional designer at the University of Texas. I’m super excited to be working on some really innovative projects with my new team. AND it looks like one of my first assignments will be to create a dataviz using the D3 JavaScript library so that is going to be a great way to continue building on my programming skills.

A Quick Side Project

I’m also participating in Gumroad’s Small Product Lab, a 10-day sprint to ship a small product with the goal of getting at least 1 person to give you $1 for something that you made. It’s going to be a bit tough since I don’t have my desktop available (I’m still transient, currently) but I think I can still make it through. Looking forward to that.

October GDS Challenge?

I’m also gearing up to revamp Go Design Something once again, this time as a weekly podcast. The one thing I do know is that I love making things, I love having side projects every month and I think that this has been such a transformational process for me that I really want to share it with other LX and instructional designers. I think the most important thing for me at this point will be to remain consistent and keep it about the work. So hoping to jump on that in October, once I get settled.